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22 août 2011 1 22 /08 /août /2011 12:05

I do not know if it is a prophecy or “coincidence" that on June 18th the first article of this new blog is published. A sign! - A calling?

This innovative blog aims to inform as many people as possible about the works and theories of one of the most important authors of the past century – at the same time, one of the least known : Claude Tresmontant.

One of the most important authors, for he was the first to know, and better than anyone, how to decipher the greatest scientific discoveries of his time using metaphysical philosophy. Tresmontant gave a fatal blow to atheism by brilliantly disputing it and without ever a single serious opposition.

One of the least known authors in the world where master philosophers of idealism reign, heirs of Descartes and Kant, but also in the Church, which I think is a grave injustice that this blog, in its humble place, would like to contribute to set straight.

Who in the Christian world, truly knows Claude Tresmontant or has even heard about him? Who has read, studied in depth and meditated his theories? ... Who cites him as a reference in their works? Who are his followers today? Who in the secular world, has attempted to challenge his arguments?

Life goes on - and it is dreadful to say - as if Tresmontant did not exist, as if he never existed, as if he had never written anything. In which case, there are those who consider him as an insignificant, minor, negligible author.

Oh! There are a few writers, who save Tresmontant’s honor, and may I add, who do an outstanding job of presenting his works ; we will reveal them to you... Nevertheless, who knows them? Who has ever heard of them?

Without a doubt, Claude Tresmontant himself is partly responsible for his anonymity, for he supported in his thesis’ heterodox theology, even more damaging to his name, as they are in contradiction with the teachings of Tresmontant the metaphysician.

However, what may have been the theological errors of Claude Tresmontant (which we will discuss in due course), nothing justifies the general contempt of his life works - especially in metaphysics, senseless to explain that most of his books are now out of print and virtually unobtainable. Tresmontant’s contribution to philosophical thought is absolutely vital - and far more important than that of Nietzsche, Sartre or Heidegger (with all due respect that I owe to these great names of world literature).

You will think perhaps I exaggerate, that I am talking nonsense ; that I do not measure the scope of my remarks. This is indisputably because you do not yet know Claude Tresmontant. I invite you to follow this blog. You will see : you will be dazzled.



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  • : Le blog Claude Tresmontant
  • : Blog consacré à l'un des plus grands métaphysiciens catholiques du XXe siècle, qui démontra le caractère irrationnel de l'athéisme.
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